With the Naked Eye – Summer Exhibition at Voipaala Art Centre

The group exhibition Paljain Silmin – With the Naked Eye will be renewed and expanded at the Voipala Art Centre for the summer of 2022. The exhibition is produced in collaboration with the Textile Artists Association TEXO and Artists O and has previously been on display at the HAA Gallery in Helsinki in 2020 and is now being completed with about ten works. Coordinators Anna-Kaisa Haanaho and Jaana Woll are responsible for curating the works, and they have followed the guidelines given by the original curators, visual artist Kaisu Koivisto and designer Teemu Salonen. The theme of the exhibition is the encounter between man and nature.

Merja Keskinen is participating in the exhibition with the artwork House.

The building materials of House are yarns and colors. Its walls flicker in different colors and the transparency creates an unreal feeling. House is build of 16 light net-woven parts that settle into a cube shape. The walls of House are shaped on different edges in different colors. In a network-like structure, colors can disappear to almost non-existent or intensify in larger quantities. The work illustrates the meaning of light and the changes in the experience of color caused by backlighting. The illusion of a house does not provide protection around us, it is brittle and fragile, but offers inner peace and beauty. The work comments on living as the climate changes and warms.

In her works, Merja Keskinen interprets the world around us with colors. The content of the works is based on consideration of color theories and an examination of the factors that influence the perception and experience of colors.

The opening of the exhibition Paljain Silmin – With the Naked Eye will be celebrated at the Voipaala Art Centre on Friday 10.6. from 6 p.m. The exhibition is open 11.6. – 28.8.2022 (Tue – Sun 11 – 18).


Voipaala Art Centre

Sääksmäentie 772, 37700 Valkeakoski